Saturday, January 23, 2016


Some days your horoscope predicts a time of great abundance, financial success and charm and wit in heaps at your command  and then you get to work and you open your mouth and the most embarrassing nonsense runs  forth and you wonder if you should ever speak again or simply imply your thoughts from here on out and those sensitive enough to intuit your meaning from your eye movement will reap the benefit of your insight and be immune to the chaff that should remain unspoken.


And some days the coffee guy is so super awesome at 7:56 a.m and has just passed to you the smoothest and creamiest latte in the history with a pattern no less in the caramel colored layer of bliss that you are lost in the aroma of roast and good positive vibing and only a super awesome day could follow once you've incorporated the caffeinated nourishment into your somewhat dilapidated but soon to be invigorated and inspired-as-coffee-guy system. And you are inspired...

Until you get to work and you open your mouth and the most embarrassing nonsense runs  forth and you wonder if you should ever speak again or simply imply your thoughts from here on out and those sensitive enough to intuit your meaning from your eye movement will reap the benefit of your insight and be immune to the chaff that should remain unspoken. 

Can they fire you for not speaking?

Yeah ...

some days are like that.

And some days are a wonderfully hot cup of homemade coffee in the early morning darkness which steams up your glasses but you sip it down and move into your asanas and impress yourself with how painless sitting cross legged is now and checking off the to-do list at work and your boss asks how to clone you and the cheery young man at the bus-stop after work runs interference for you with the crazy talking dude who is making everyone nervous, and watches out for you on the urban shuttle and you think, wow, what an awesome human being to cross my path today. I am lucky.


some days are like that, too.

The yin and the yang, the up and the down, the back and the forth...

The good and the bad.

It's not all one or the other and learning to face that with grace while enjoying the journey is my challenge.

Image result for latte